It’s movie time.  This week I watched “I am” a movie by Tom Shadyac whose name didn’t mean anything to me until I saw that he was the creator of these blockbuster comedies “Ace Ventura,” “Liar Liar,” “The Nutty Professor,” and “Bruce Almighty”  all of which I have seen and enjoyed a good laugh.

He made the movie “I am” after a harrowing experience which completely changed his life.  He started the movie with 2 questions what’s wrong with our world, and what can we do to make it better?  There are numerous great nuggets in this movie and I recommend you put it on your “must watch” list.  You can view it here for free I am (thanks to my colleague Heather Plude for providing link – you can check out Heather’s blog here.

One of the comments that struck a chord with me was that the basis of nature is cooperation and democracy, it’s in our DNA.   We are literally designed to operate from positive emotions – surprise surprise.  We function better in a state of compassion, empathy and love than in a state of separation.  Have you ever wondered when you get worked up or angry you find it hard to think of the right words or anything to say for that matter – well the reason is anger inhibits our thought.

One of the participators in the movie also talks about there being one fundamental law that all of nature obeys everyday and that man breaks and it’s that nothing in nature takes more than it needs, e.g. the Redwood tree only takes from the soil what it needs and we have a term for something that takes more than it needs in the body and its called cancer.  Tom realized by living the life of the rich and famous ie. buying million dollar mansions and travelling via private jets etc, he was adding to that cancer.  He also mentioned that one day while standing in one of his mansions which symbolized his success he realized it didn’t make him happy – surprise surprise there too.  We have been learning through out our journey reading the Master Keys that our happiness comes from the world within.   So he now lives in a modest home, cycles, teaches in a local university and is much happier.  I wonder if that accident hadn’t happened where would he be or was it his destiny?

He ended the movie with a question that he hopes we can all answer the same “what’s right with the world?”  and in the final comments a gentleman said “John Lennon had it right -” Love is all you need,  Yes, Love is all you need to start, so lets start” and what better day to start than Valentines day.


I’ll leave you with a song featured in the movie from Black Eyed Peas – where is the love?  Have a great week and don’t forget we as humans function better from a state of compassion, empathy and love so try doing things from these emotions this week and see what happens.  Thanks for stopping by.