Thanks for stopping by, we’re onto Week 21 of our MKS journey and its a biggie

Herewith is this weeks Master Key lesson 21 paragraph 7

This is one of the secrets of success, one of thethink big methods of organizing victory,

one of the accomplishments of the Master-Mind. He thinks big thoughts. The

creative energies of mind find no more difficulty in handling large situations, than

small ones. Mind is just as much present in the Infinitely large as in the Infinitely

How big can you dream?

walking on the moon

Have you ever dreamed of going on a tour to the moon.

Seems like a far fetched idea yet it is just as possible to dream about taking a trip to the moon as it is taking a trip to Disneyworld.  

Not that I really want to take a trip to the moon but it’s nice to know I am free to have that dream should I choose to.  

All this talk about manifesting our thoughts can seem a bit out there to a lot of people, however, when you think about it and I mean really think about it there are examples going on all around us of dreams being manifested.  Take the show American Idol, that started as a thought to audition ordinary folks with extraordinary voices and make them a star.  Look at all the lives that were changed by that one idea for a TV show.kelly_clarkson_wins_american_idol

Kelly Clarkson winner of the first season of American Idol 2002

Take the internet, another thought that has manifested into something that is beyond explanation except that it works and has made this world a much smaller place by virtue of the ability for someone in Australia is able to connect with someone in New York instantly, that we can get instant answers to any question we may have (though might be a good idea to check the source lol)

What’s amazing to me is that Charles Haanel wrote the Master Key system in the early 1900’s, yet it is as relevant today as it was back then, were Haanel alive today I wonder what he’d think?

So Think Big Dreams…. they truly are possible.  Watch this video of Kelly Clarkson and put yourself in her shoes… imagine her feelings, her emotions, borrow them and bottle them up if you need to so you can think BIG!!  Let’s not be the ones that wait a lifetime for a moment like this!!